If you receive this
award, there are a few rules that you must follow:
1. Each blogger nominated must post 11 things
about themselves.
2. Then answer the 11 questions the tagger has asked.
3. Create 11 questions of their own to askthe bloggers they nominate
4. Choose 11 nominees with less than 200 followers and link them on their blog post
5. Finally the bloggers must be notified of their award.
*And there are no tag backs.
11 Things About Me
1. I got married to the love of my life in a February snow storm (20"!)
2. My wedding day was the best day of my life
3. I used to be a Corporate Trainer before being a full-time mom
4. I have boy/girl twins
5. I would love to own a little cafe some day
6. I'm a peanut.. (5'1" tall)
7. My nickname in gymnastics was "peanut"
8. I love to entertain (especially at Christmas time)
9. I make killer turkey chili
10. I rarely pay for a manicure
11. Neiter of my kids got my blue eyes... (sad face)/Ella has brown, Jack has hazel
My answers to the Chelsea's questions:
2. Who is your favorite fashion designer? Valentino (would love to have him design me a dress)
3. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds!
4. Are you in a sorority? If so, which one? The college I graduated from did not have sororities
5. Which season is your favorite? So hard to pick, but I guess winter b/c I love snow & Christmas!
6. What is your #1 most played song on your
iPod? iphone... Taylor Swift's We are Never Getting Back Together (my daughter sings along with me)
7. If you could change your first
name, what would you change it to? Emily (my mom wanted to name me that)
8. Sky dive or bungee jump? Sky dive
9. What are your hobbies? Shopping, dah...
10. What is at the top of your
Christmas List? A new handbag
11. Favorite fashion trend? Booties baby!
My Liebster Nominees!
My Questions to Nominees:
1. Favorite place to shop?
2. New Year's Eve, stay in or go out?
3. What is your favoriate holiday?
4. Would you ever live in a foreign country? Where?
5. What is your biggest pet peeve?
6. What makes you the most happy?
7. Movie or a good book?
8. What's your most cherished material item?
9. What are 2 of your make-up must have pieces?
10. The best gift you received?
11. The best gift you gave?
Thanks a ton for the nomination :) that was very nice of you! Now following you too!
Hi Lulu! Thank you so much for the nomination! How sweet of you! It's really nice to have something to help us newer bloggers along :) Thank you for following me! I am following ya now too. xo Brooke onprairiehill.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the award!
Thank you so much for the nomination! I will be posting the answers to my questions tomorrow! You are too kind, and cannot wait to check back on your site!
Thank you for the nomination! I received a Leibster Award a while back and won't be reposting for this specifically, but I do have an influx of new followers recently so I may snag your questions for a little Q & A. Just followed your blog as well :)
www.we loved here.com