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SheIn -Your Online Fashion Vintage Dress

Top Twelve of 2012

As I started to think about what I wanted to write about today, of course the year-in-review came to mind.  I really don't do New Years resolutions.  Shouldn't you be living your life with goals every day?  So I decided to write my "Top" list of things (some good, some not) of moments in 2012 that I will always remember.  

12.  My husbands grandmother "Mimi" dying.  This seems strange to put on a list, but she was the matriarch of the family and it still seems strange that she is gone.
11.  The nuggets learning to do without their pacies!  A monumental task for my Ella since she used to sleep with about 15 in her bed!
10.  Finally getting some back pain resolved that I've dealt with for years
9.  Summertime at our pool.  Being able to finally relax as my kids met new friends and played so well we never wanted to leave!
8.  Meeting new wonderful, spirit-filled friends.
7.  Enjoying the beach with the nuggets!  They hated the sand up to this year and it was such a blessing to see them finally enjoy the sand and surf.
6.  Jack and Ella starting pre-school
5.  Me having time to myself to (of all things) grocery shop!
4.  Starting my Simply Lulu Style blog and meeting such great blog friends
3.  Having a wonderful opportunity to start back to work part-time
2.  Special small moments every day with my husband and twins.
1.  Spending a wonderful Christmas and New Year with my family.
Have a safe and wonderful New Year's Eve.  See you next year!

Lulu Soler
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  1. looks like you had a fabulous year although not a dull moment with twins! hope 2013 is even more fabulous for you

    1. Thanks Meg! Hope you have a wonderful New Year & year!

  2. Looked like a great 2012!!

    Happy New Years!!

    xo - Sheila

  3. Happy new year!
    Would you like to follow each other?
    Have a great day ;) !

  4. Looks fun, loving and fulfilling! Wish your more enjoyment in 2013. Thank you for your kind comments.




Thank you so much for all your comments. I love to read them and visit fellow blogger sites! XO

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