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SheIn -Your Online Fashion Vintage Dress

5 Moves to Strengthen Your Core

You heard me talk about your core and Body After Baby, here.  How important is your core?  Extremely.  It's the stabilizing muscles that help sore backs, stability and best of all?  It helps you look thinner and feel better!  The core isn't just about the stomach, it's about the back & hips, the entire area that connects to your spinal cord and helps your body support your spine.

These moves can be done in addition to the simple moves I talked about in Body After Baby and I often use those as a "warm up" leading into the steps below.

What you need: An exercise ball (the weights are for a later post, same photo shoot!)
Core work out, 5 minute work out, Simply Lulu Style, fitness, getting body ready for summer, Body After Baby, mom fitness

Move #1: Practice!  Sucking in your belly button, flat back to the floor.  Breathing for 60 seconds, suck in quickly, breath out (while still sucking in belly button) for 5 seconds.  For added resistance use a ball 

Core work out, 5 minute work out, Simply Lulu Style, fitness, getting body ready for summer, Body After Baby, mom fitness

#2 Push/Pull: While laying on back, knees bent, calves parallel to the floor.  Place ball between knees again, hands on thighs.  Push your hands into your thighs while pulling your legs to your chest.  Hold, breath and suck in for 60 seconds.

Core work out, 5 minute work out, Simply Lulu Style, fitness, getting body ready for summer, Body After Baby, mom fitness

#3 Sky Reach: While on back, point toes to the sky, hold the ball in your hands & lift your shoulders up.  Suck in belly and hold for 60 seconds.

Core work out, 5 minute work out, Simply Lulu Style, fitness, getting body ready for summer, Body After Baby, mom fitness

#4 Scissor legs: In the same position, while still having shoulders off the mat, holding the ball, "scissor" your legs back and forth.  Scissor them tightly together, see below.  Again, suck in your belly button.  

Core work out, 5 minute work out, Simply Lulu Style, fitness, getting body ready for summer, Body After Baby, mom fitness

#5 Clam shell: While on back, bend knees and place the ball between your knees.  Lift shoulders off the mat, arms extended to the side.  Crunch up, and bring hands together by your legs as close together as you can.  Move hands back to extended by your side (keeping shoulders off the mat) & repeat.  Do this 12 times at 2 to 3 reps.  Work up to 5 reps.  

Core work out, 5 minute work out, Simply Lulu Style, fitness, getting body ready for summer, Body After Baby, mom fitness

Core work out, 5 minute work out, Simply Lulu Style, fitness, getting body ready for summer, Body After Baby, mom fitness

Work through these moves and you will see results.  I'll be posting new work outs, core, back, arms, legs, & butt, BUT all will be 5 moves!  Lulu's simple 5 moves.  Summer is right around the corner, let's get fit and even more, feel better!
Lulu Soler
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  1. Summer IS right around the corner! No kidding about that. These moves are great!


    1. Summer can't come fast enough for me. But thankgoodness there's a little time so I can get into shape!

  2. These are interesting excersises! Makes me want to do them too. (im not much of a sporty girl xD)

    Love, May

    1. I'm not really "sporty" either (as my hubs would attest to)!

  3. I love the tips! Thanks for sharing xx

  4. Love these moves anything to make my abs stronger, gonna have to try this : )

    Breakfast at Cindi’s

    1. You won't feel a workout "soreness", but it will definitely strengthen your abs!

  5. Thanks for following,of course I am your newset follower now (#201) ;) Oh and your blog design is lovely,really pretty!

  6. I do this in my Pilate class.. it looks easy but to get it right, boy.. I get "That's rubbish" from my instructor all the time!

    Greetings from Dubai!

    1. That is so funny - rubbish! We don't often hear that term here in the states. :)

  7. These tips and tricks shall definitely be attempted :).

    Thank you very much! x


    1. Once you do it and if you can be consistent - I promise you'll see a difference!

  8. great post ! :D
    what about following each other?

  9. How many calories do you reckon this burns?


Thank you so much for all your comments. I love to read them and visit fellow blogger sites! XO

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