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SheIn -Your Online Fashion Vintage Dress

Arm Candy

Arm candy, arm exercises, Simply Lulu Style, Body After Baby, post pregnancy work out, summer ready body

I'm sure this is not what you thought it would be.  You pictured some beautiful bracelets, right?  Why not some beautiful arms to put those bracelets on?!  With summer coming, our long sleeve shirts and sweaters will be shed for some sleeveless numbers.  Don't you want to have svelte arms?   The key to defined arms?  Working all the muscle groups - your biceps, triceps and deltoids.  These are 6 moves that will help you develop defined arms that you will want to show off this summer! (Please excuse my face in these pictures - I look ridiculous!)

What you'll need - weights.  If you're just beginning, start with 1 to 2 lb. weights.  For some of these exercises I'm using 3 lbs, others 5 lbs.

#1 The Bicep Curl
Arm candy, arm exercises, Simply Lulu Style, Body After Baby, post pregnancy work out, summer ready body
Take the basic bicep curl, leave your hands open (this allows you to really work the bicep), move your hands 90 degrees from your body and curl up.  I'm using 5 lb weights and doing 2 sets of 15.

#2 Hammer Curl
Arm candy, arm exercises, Simply Lulu Style, Body After Baby, post pregnancy work out, summer ready body
Gripping the weights, have your palms facing in towards your body and lift up 90 degrees.  I'm again using 5 lb weights here, doing 2 sets of 15.

#3 Tricep Kickbacks

Arm candy, arm exercises, Simply Lulu Style, Body After Baby, post pregnancy work out, summer ready body

Feet should be shoulder width apart.  Bend at the hip, arms down palms facing each other.  Bend arms, keeping your elbows in and "kickback" your hands keeping your arms as close to your body as possible.  Do arms together for 15 reps, then  alternate arms 15 reps, last arms together for 5 more reps.  I'm using 5 lb weights.

#4 Front Arm Squeeze

Arm candy, arm exercises, Simply Lulu Style, Body After Baby, post pregnancy work out, summer ready body
Stand with arms in a T palms facing out (your arms should be shoulder height - mind are higher, please ignore).  Lift arms, keeping them straight squeezing to forehead height.  Take arms back to starting place.  Do 2 sets of 15, I'm using 3 lb weights.

#5 Arm Pours

Arm candy, arm exercises, Simply Lulu Style, Body After Baby, post pregnancy work out, summer ready body

These are killer for svelteness!  Start with arms in a T shoulder height, hands facing out.  Turn hands back without moving arms, "pour" down your arms to hips.  Now turn hands facing out again, lift arms back to starting position.  Do 2 sets of 15, I'm using 3 lb weights.

#6 "W" to "V"
Arm candy, arm exercises, Simply Lulu Style, Body After Baby, post pregnancy work out, summer ready body
Hold weight gripping only with thumbs, palms facing up.  Bend arms in squeezing elbows as much as you can behind your back.  Lift arms keeping palms open into a V position squeezing your shoulder blades together. Do 2 sets of 15.

In future blogs I am planning to do some fitness videos.  I'm not a professional trainer, but I plan to share some exercise plans that have helped get my shape back and Body After Baby!  Check out my other Body After Baby posts here & here.

Good luck and be excited to show those arms this summer!
Lulu Soler
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  1. Thank you for these! They are great tips and I love the pictures! I definitely should start working on my summer body but it's so hard to get back in a routine after a winter spent basically hibernating!

    Martine :)


    1. It is hard this time of year. You just have to work through it!

  2. I use to do these exercises too and they work, really!!!!!!!!

  3. What an amazing workout session! Your body seems such beautifully toned!

    Nyt from BIG hair LOUD mouth

  4. Love your workout posts! I went and read all the Body after Baby :) Fantastic arms btw!



    1. Thank you! More work outs to come & hopefully some videos!

  5. Amazing workout! Great inspo:)


  6. I have the weakest arms ever! I need to start doing this workout :)


  7. I hate my arms, so I definitely need to start doing these arm workouts!!
    p.s. yes, bananas jewelry is fab lately. I've got my eye on several pieces, really hoping that a friends and family event is coming up soon:)

  8. You go girl! You inspire me! I'm so unhealthy and out of shape!

  9. Hello, just Found your blog :) really like it :)

  10. I really like your blog :)))

  11. I'm definitely trying this out. I have the flabbiest arms ever! In fact, I demand more posts like this! My body has not gotten back to where it should be after my son was born!

    1. It's hard after baby comes. It's a balance between pushing yourself and not being hard on yourself at the same time! :)

  12. I am getting started for spring and go to the gym regularly. Free weights are always part of my workout in order to get/maintain toned upper arms which is so important especially at my age.

    Lady of Style

    1. Good for you! Weight training is actually extremely good as you age. It helps fend off osteoperosis!

  13. How often would you have to do this before you notice a real difference? My arms aren't horrendous. Is there anything you can use without buying actual weights? I can't really afford them!



    1. Hi Catherine. I would start out 3-4 times a week. If you're not a weight person, push-ups will do the trick too! It works great and works almost every muscle in your arms. Start out on your knees and work up to your feet!

  14. You look amazing! Great tutorial.

    Hope you had a great weekend!

    The Hartungs Blog

  15. I love this arm workout!! The pictures are great!

  16. can i do these exercises while pregnant?(6th month)


Thank you so much for all your comments. I love to read them and visit fellow blogger sites! XO

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