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SheIn -Your Online Fashion Vintage Dress

Lulu's Love List & A Link Up!

From top left, clockwise:
1.  My new fab Joe's Jeans shoes!  I feel in LOVE with these when I saw them in InStyle and well, had to have them.  You know how it is!  They were featured on a Macy's advertisement, but low and behold when I went to Macy's site they were nowhere to be found.  I even had customer service searching them down for me.  Alas, nothing.  So much to my delight I found them on Piperlime!  Happy dance :)  I can't wait to style them!

2.  Lumene Vitamin C+ drops.  These little things (so I heard) work miracles on your skin.  So far I've used them for just a week, but am already impressed.  The natural citrusy scent is lovely.  When you squeeze out the "cream" and then apply it to your face it almost turns into a powdery texture - it's incredible!

3. Dr. Scholl's Heel Liners.  You know I always put something crazy on the Love List.  This may seem like ridiculousness to you, but they are seriously a new love.  Have you used them before?  Well, they have CHANGED them - thank goodness.  Before they were a silvery color and TOO thick.  When I would attempt to put them in my shoes (that needed just a slight adjustment) they made the shoes too small...???  Now, they are perfecto!  Clear and just the ever so slight adjustment I need.

4.  My "invitation" from my daughter Ella.  The nuggets have been with the "Amma" all week.  A nice break for the hubs and I but I miss them.  Ella mailed me this invitation and she was so excited to send some mail!  I often wonder what goes through their little minds.  They get very excited over such little things.  We are picking them up today and I can't wait to see their little smiley faces.

Now for the exciting news!  I’m very excited to be starting up a Friday link up!  Just announcing today, but it will start next Friday, September 6th at 7 am EST, so mark your calendar!  What a better way than to kick off fall right?

What I’m Loving Fridays is all about.. you guessed it, what you’re loving!  This can be anything from a great beauty product, a fashion post, a recipe.  Whatever your little, lovely, heart desires.  Because it’s all about the love right?  You get it, right?  My lovelies?  (hehehe…)  Each week I'll also choose one lovely link that I love, to highlight.  Not a blogger?  No worries, email me something you're loving!  You may be the next love highlight too! 

So spread the love, grab the link up button below, and link up next Friday!  

Have a wonderful weekend friends!
Linking up with High Five for Friday, Fab Friday, Fashion Informant

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Lulu Soler
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  1. Hi Lulu! I love Dr Scholl products too! I used to always wear high heels a lot and they hurt the ball of my soles real bad. So I used these transparent pads from DS & they really are great relief.

    Oh and I look forward to your link in post next week! Gives me more reason to blog more often! Yay! \(^ ^)/

  2. I haven't tried that specific Dr. Scholl product but I am super curious about it now!

  3. Ohhhhhh those shoes! Love them!


  4. Those heels are gorgeous! I need to try out that Dr. Scholl's product so my heels are a bit comfier. Have a great weekend!

    The Tiny Heart
    So Kate Giveaway!

  5. omg omg omg. those heels.

    i want those shoes!

  6. Those shoes are fabulous!!!!! I found a pair of Calvin Klein that i've been eyeing. THose shoes will be so versatile. Can't wait to see it with an outfit.



  7. Love those heels... Love dr. scroll liner 's ..
    Dont forget to enter my giveaway.
    Keep in touch,

  8. I love those shoes too! I wish macy's had them, since I have a Macy's gift card that is burning a hole in my pocket... Can't wait to link up next week! Have a great long weekend!


  9. gorgeous heels
    lovely post
    love Vikee

  10. Love those shoes!
    Stopping by from HF4F linkup!
    Come link up with us today!

  11. those heels are amazing!!! are those drops supposed to be like a night-time serum??

    happy friday!
    xo, sarah grace

  12. Those heels are all kinds of amazing.

  13. Those shoes are so gorgeous! I can't wait for your link up next Friday :)


  14. Ah, those heels are lovely! Will look forward to seeing you style and outfit with the shoes.

    Monica, www.pear-shaped-gal.com

  15. I am looving those shoes! so perfect!


  16. I love the shoes!! :) Also, excited to hear about the linkup! I'd definitely be joining in. :)

    By the way, I've updated my blog with a new post. I'd love for you to swing by :) www.fashchronicles.blogspot.com

  17. You lucky lady! I've been eyeing those same shoes! They are to die for.:)

  18. There are no words for how much I love those shoes!

  19. THOSE HEELS!! I love! So excited for your link up! Thanks for sharing with Three-fer Thursday!

    xoxo Meghan

  20. Great post! I need to try those Vitamin C drops!

    It's Emma Elise


Thank you so much for all your comments. I love to read them and visit fellow blogger sites! XO

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