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SheIn -Your Online Fashion Vintage Dress

5 Moves - Plank Perfection

These 5 Moves are to work your core.  During each exercise, suck in your belly button!  Sucking in your belly button works your inner stomach muscles.  Want to see more core exercises?  Visit my fitness posts!  

Style tip for your work out: twist little pieces of hair around your face into a side ponytail or bun.  Pull your hair to the side so when you're doing your crunch moves,  you won't have a knot in the back of your head!  

Move #1: High Plank, Knee to Elbow
Start in a high plank position.  Bring your left knee to your left elbow, then back to a plank position.  Bring your right knee to your right elbow, then back to a plank position.  2 sets of 12.

Move #2: Plank Push Up
Start in a low plank, palms pressed down.  Push up with either arm, I usual start with my less dominant hand.  Push up with the other arm into a high plank.  Lower down, one arm at a time.  2 sets of 12.

Move #3: Low Plank, Knee Bends
Start in a low plank, bend your left knee to touch the floor.  Go back to your low plank position.  Bend your right knee and go back to your low plank position.  2 sets of 12.

Move #4: Low Plank Side Step
Start in a low plank.  Step your left leg to the side, then back to your low plank.  Step your right leg to the side, then back to your low plank.  2 sets of 12.

Move #5: Low Plank Twist
Start in a low plank.  Twist your hip to the left to just touch the floor and go back to your low plank.  Twist your hip to the right, touch the floor and go back to your low plank.  2 sets of 12.

When you don't feel like hitting the gym?  Try my 5 Moves at home!  Keep yourself moving, you'll feel infinitely better.

Happy Thursday, thank you for reading!

I am not a professional trainer or fitness coach.  Please see your doctor before you begin any exercise regimen.

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Tomorrow is Friday!  YEAH!  Come back and link up for What I'm Loving Fridays!

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Lulu Soler
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  1. Thank you Lulu for this very, very useful post!
    It reminds me to start practicing more often :)


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  2. wow girl u are way more woman than me! i HATEEEE plank lol! i always want to throw a book at jillian michaels on tv when she makes me do plank lol!! u look fab tho..great workout gear!

    XO Meghan
    citrus fashion

  3. I kind of hate doing planks, but I can't deny that they don't work! I need to be adding more of them into my weekly routine!

  4. Planks are a great way to strengthen your core. We do spiders at bootcamp, very effective. Thank you for linking up today.



  5. I have a love hate relationship with plank:) Don't we all! It makes up a large part of my power yoga classes and it is such a good workout for core and upper body. This is a fabulous post!

    XO, Gina

  6. Great post! As a physical therapist, I am attest that planks truly have been shown (via research) to be the best core strengthening exercise (and a lot safer on all of our pelvic floors than sit ups and crunches)! :)

  7. Thanks LuLu ! I just might add Planks to my exercise routine. I know you have post bits and pieces, but could you post your workout regimen in its entirity? Do you mix it up over the course of a week?

  8. I am always looking for great new variations for exercises! Thanks for sharing!!



Thank you so much for all your comments. I love to read them and visit fellow blogger sites! XO

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