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SheIn -Your Online Fashion Vintage Dress

New Years Resolutions & $500 Giftcard Giveaway

New Years resolutions are something I ponder each year.  Should I make one or some?  There have been times when I certainly have and did I keep them?  Uh, not sure.  That in of itself indicates I probably didn't.  I was glad when I was asked to participate in this great giveaway because it forced me to really think about it again this year.  

This past year has been filled with a lot of wonderful things, changes, and busy "ness".  I took a look at things I accomplished, where I was happy, and not happy.  There has been so much to be thankful for and so many things that have had made me happy.  But one thing stuck in my brain about NOT being happy.  The busy"ness".  It seems to be the thing these days to be busy, no?  As if being busy means you're important or popular.  People strive to be busy!  Why exactly? Do they not want to have any time to be quiet and think about their life? Are they afraid of not having anything to do?

The last few days I've heard several things about New Years resolutions that I thought I would share.  Things to consider if you plan on making some resolutions.  I know I'm considering them.  

1.  Be selective.  Don't make a lot of resolutions.  Instead, choose a few, that will keep your focus, and be more successful in keeping those resolutions.
2.  Instead of choosing specific resolutions, choose a theme in which to live your life this year.
3.  What will you leave behind in 2013?  Is there something that you want to or should stop?

This year I'm choosing a theme that encompasses a lot.  But it also is a theme that each day when I wake up, go about my day, will keep me focused on what's important.  
My New Years Resolution: Live CONSCIOUSLY to MAKE change.

I would love to hear about your resolutions this year!

Yesterday I took a look back at my style in 2013 - check it out here.  You can also peruse through my archives - the good, bad, and hmm.. what was I thinking!

To help enable your success in your New Year Resolutions, whatever they may be, I've teamed up with a bunch of fabulous bloggers and Coupons.com to give away $500 to a store of your choice (or Amazon)! There are so many amazing New Year sales going on right now, and Coupons.com is a perfect place to start because you're able to find all the great deals in one place! 

To win, complete the entries through the Rafflecopter below -- each entry you complete will give you more chances to win the gift card!

This giveaway will be open until January 7th at midnight and is open to US residents only. 
Good luck!!

Lulu Soler
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  1. I like the deal at Sephora where you can Save an Extra 20% Off All Sale Items!

  2. Great giveaway, and I completely agree about the resolution thing! One overall theme is much better to focus on :) Happy New Year!

  3. great..happy new year for this year....hope u all the best and better

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Thank you so much for all your comments. I love to read them and visit fellow blogger sites! XO

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