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SheIn -Your Online Fashion Vintage Dress

Lulu's Love List | What I'm Loving Fridays | iSanctuary Giveaway

1.  Our #Giveaway!  I'm so thrilled to share with you the wonderful iSanctuary organization.  iSanctuary employs young women who have been rescued from human trafficking.  These survivors hand make beautiful fashion jewelry designed by the founder Stephanie Pollaro.  Their jewelry can be purchased online or in over 40 retailers across the United States.  To learn more and look at their gorgeous pieces, visit their website HERE.

2.  SNOW!  Call me crazy, but I love snow.  I love the beauty and the peacefulness it brings.  

3.  Rebecca Taylor tweed jacket.  Since last year I've been craving a RT jacket.  Her pieces are simple, beautiful, and feminine.  I purchased this on a crazy season sale, see it HERE.  Shop all sale pieces HERE (I know you'll love them as much as I do!)

4.  My birthday gift to myself.  I wanted to add some sparkle in my closet and these have been on my list for a while.  What better way to celebrate another year? :)  Purchased HERE.

Friday Love Feature:

This scarf is stunning and works perfectly with her coloring.  She kept the rest of style clean and simple giving the scarf center stage.  Beautiful Kelsey!  Visit her lovely blog today!

Our #Giveaway!
Enter through the rafflecopter below.  Each entry will give you a point(s).  The more points you earn the better chance you have at winning this incredibly beautiful and meaningful bracelet.  After completing all the mandatory steps, more entries will be unlocked and you will increase your chances of winning!  This iSanctuary giveaway will run from Friday, January 24th through midnight Thursday, January 30th.  The giveaway is open to US & Canadian residents only.  The winner will be displayed on the rafflecopter and contacted by email.

Now it's time to share what you love in the
“What I’m Loving Fridays” Link Up!
What I’m Loving Fridays is all about.. you guessed it, what you’re loving!  This can be anything from a great beauty product, a fashion post, a recipe, a giveaway, or your link up!  Whatever your little, lovely, heart desires.  Because it’s all about the love right?  You get it, right?  My lovelies?  (hehehe…)  

Each week I'll also choose one lovely link that I love, to highlight.  Not a blogger?  No worries, email me: simplyluludesign{at}gmail{dot}com, something you're loving!  You may be the next love highlight too!

Interested in co-hosting a What I'm Loving Fridays?  Email me and we'll chat! 

I ask that you would be so kind to do a few things:
  • Please follow me in some way: GFC, BloglovinPinterestInstagramFacebookTwitter 
  • Please link your blog post and not the main page of your blog
  • Grab my button or share this link on your blog
  • Visit some other lovely blogs and make some lovely friends!

 Bloglovin  |  Facebook  |  Instagram  |  Twitter  |  Pinterest
Lulu Soler
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  1. Happy Birthday, Lulu! Great way to celebrate with Valentino!! Thanks for hosting the link up :)

  2. Great link up! Have an amazing weekend! :)

    The Style Storm
    <3, Christina

  3. What a great birthday gift! The color is perfection. Happy birthday!

  4. Wow that's a wonderful birthday gift to yourself Lulu.....have the best one ever!


  5. I love snow too, as long as it's cold it might as well be pretty! Enjoy your quick getaway! ~Ann

  6. Well Mama Happy Bday to you! What a FAB gift!!!!!! Happy Weekend to you as well...

    XO Barbie
    The Parlor Girl

  7. I love those shoes! Just to let you know, the e-mail you sent out was titled 'What I'm Loving Fridays is not LIVE' -oops, good job I came over anyway haha.

    Corinne x

  8. The bracelet is gorgeous and the shoes are to die for...Happy Birthday Lulu!!!


  9. Those Valentino heels are adorable!

  10. Happy birthday! What a fabulous giveaway and organization-- thank you for introducing it & offering such a great giveaway!

  11. Loving your birthday gift, such a great time to treat yourself, with no limits!

    xoxo, KP
    Eleventh & Sixteenth

  12. That bracelet is darling!

    -Allie @ LunaVida

  13. That bracelet is darling!

    -Allie @ LunaVida

  14. Those Valentino heels are to die for!!! Such a great birthday present!


  15. I really love snow. In winter. Normally we've got a lot of snow here in south Baveria. But this year snow is relly rare.
    Have a good time

  16. I like snow and miss it here in Albania. Your infinity bracelet and new shoes are gorgeous. Happy Birthday.

    My pleasure linking up this weekend as always. Please be kind and link up with me and another blogger this upcoming Wednesday January 29th. It will be our first link up ever. I hope to see you there.

    Happy Weekend, Lulu!! <3 Ada.

  17. Happy Birthday!!!! What a gorgeous birthday present :)



  18. Those gorgeous Valentino rockstud shoes are the best present you could give yourself ! Best wishes !

    Fashion and Cookies


Thank you so much for all your comments. I love to read them and visit fellow blogger sites! XO

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