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SheIn -Your Online Fashion Vintage Dress

My Morning Health & Beauty Routine

I am not a morning person.  Never have been, never will be.  So getting up at 5:30 on days when I have to go into the office is a struggle.  But there are things I do to try to minimize my time spent in the bathroom and in front of the my vanity desk.  So here goes!

1.  Before I hit the hay: my "morning" routine actually starts at night.  I get everything ready the night before that I need to whip through my morning.  This includes everything from my outfit, to my lunch/breakfast (including vitamins), and a tall glass of water beside my bed (we'll get to that later).  I also shower, wash, and dry my hair so all I have to do in the morning is a quick rinse which usually takes me 5 minutes.

2.  Water.  Before I even get out of bed I drink my cold tall glass of water.  This helps get the blood flowing and wakes up your digestions after being asleep all night.  This helps me a lot because I'm not a water drinker.  I really should be and I've tried, but it just doesn't happen.  So I usually drink close to 24 ounces of water just in this serving!

3.  A Splash.  When I get out of bed and before I've even had my coffee I splash cold water onto my face.  It helps in several ways.  First, it wakes up your skin and minimizes your pores.  It also helps to reduce the puffy face and eyes syndrome.  It's not the easiest thing to do in the winter time, but I find it very effective!

4.  Shower.  This is a basic shower, there is no hair washing or leg shaving going on here.  It's get in, get out.

5.  Slather up!  During the winter months I go through lotion like it's no ones business.  I start with my facial moisturizers.  I don't want the residual body lotion on my face because it may have dyes or perfume in it.  I use a facial moisturizer and also an eye cream.  Eye cream with lavender or mint will also help with eye puffiness.  I love to do a little facial (and by little, I mean little), by using my eye cream and doing ocular circles around my eyes.  I use my middle finger from the outer corner of my eye, around the bottom of my eye, up the bridge of my nose, and above my brow.  I might do this for a minute or so.  It's very relaxing.  On the days I'm not up early I'll actually lay down and do this for several more minutes (without trying to fall back asleep!).

6.  Hair and makeup.  I usually get this done in 15 minutes.  My make up is minimal, no shadow, no contouring or highlighting.  Foundation, blush, brows, mascara.  Done.  Hair is usually curled the first day, messy bun the next day.

So I hope you have some ideas on how you can whittle your morning routine down to get more shut eye in the am!

Each Tuesday I co-host the Beauty Buzz link up with the fabulous ladies of MomTrends, Mama in Heels, and Get Your Pretty On.  I hope you'll stop by and link up with us!  Mama in Heels is hosting this week!

Have a beautiful Tuesday!

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Lulu Soler
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  1. I like hearing about other people's morning and nightly beauty routines. It gives me ideas of how to change up or improve my own! Thanks for sharing. :)

    xo Always, Abby

  2. We should be roommate! I'm not a morning person and never will be either!!! I have similar morning routines as yours with the exception of splashing cold water on my face...I don't like cold water on my face! I drink a glass of warm water in the morning and another warm glass of water with lemon at night before I hit the sac.


  3. I love the idea of keeping the water next to your bed and drinking it straight away. That's a great way to start off the day on the right foot.

    aka Bailey


Thank you so much for all your comments. I love to read them and visit fellow blogger sites! XO

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