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SheIn -Your Online Fashion Vintage Dress


 *links below photographs and in style board may or may not be exact depending on availability*

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This J.Crew top is so sunny and fun, when I saw it I knew it was a pattern I wanted in my closet.  It's perfect because I really don't look good in yellow, but with the beautiful shades of the flowers it works!  I've picked out some other gorgeous pieces in this fabric below!  How great are these Club Monaco leopard heels (also loving this pink pair)?  I actually bought them just after Christmas.  Even though I've worn them just a few times, I can't wait to wear them all throughout the spring.  Club Monaco has some beautiful new arrivals, like this one shoulder dress and this super cute polka dot romper.

Don't forget to check out the Piperlime sale!  
20% of $150, 25% off $300, 30% off $450!  I've picked out some favorites below!

Have a wonderful day!  Thanks for stopping by :)

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Lulu Soler
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  1. Love this look! The white denim looks great on you!

    The Style Storm
    <3, Christina

  2. Cute top, love that you paired it with white denim jeans, this highlight the floral pattern on the top. Also nice mix of textures with the leopard print sandal.


  3. You are indeed a ray of sunshine in this awesome & cheery look!


  4. Really pretty outfit :) perfect for summer!


  5. You nailed the casual yet chic pulled together look. Like you, yellow is not a color I can normally wear, but this top is gorgeous. Well done.
    Barbara @ www.allmylivesnow.com

  6. Great print mixing, those heels are too sexy!

  7. Beautiful outfit - the sandals are gorgeous! x

  8. Hi there! Meeting you through PP linkup. I love this look and I think you look great with the yellow and the crisp white jeans. Please stop by



Thank you so much for all your comments. I love to read them and visit fellow blogger sites! XO

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