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SheIn -Your Online Fashion Vintage Dress

Put a Bow on It

missimo bow shirt, jcrew jeans, stuart weitzman boots, saint laurent sunglasses,

missimo bow shirt, jcrew jeans, stuart weitzman boots, saint laurent sunglasses,

missimo bow shirt, jcrew jeans, stuart weitzman boots, saint laurent sunglasses,

missimo bow shirt, jcrew jeans, stuart weitzman boots, saint laurent sunglasses,

missimo bow shirt, jcrew jeans, stuart weitzman boots, saint laurent sunglasses,

-------OUTFIT DETAILS-------

Happy Christmas Eve!  I've had this cute little stocking forever.  My great aunt Margie knitted it, one for me and one for my sister.  Being "knit" was great because it stretches like crazy and my mom and dad, oh I mean Santa (hehehe), used to stuff it full!  Since I'm traveling and forgot my go-to clutch (which would be perfect for this outfit), my stocking is my prop :)...

The weather here with my family has been so warm.  The high today is going to be in the 60s!  So I have to rethink the gorgeous red turtleneck sweater (more red sweater options) I had in mind for Christmas Eve dinner....  This beautiful (beautifully priced too I might add) blouse will be perfect.

So I ordered these boots in October to be a custom praline color.... do they look praline?  Mmmm....  a little disappointed with the whole order process and not getting the right color.  But?  le sigh...  still love them.  I don't want to wait another 2 1/2 months to get the right color.  And yes, I'll be wearing them A LOT :).  A beautiful less expensive option HERE.

As always, thanks for stopping by.  Thank you for reading, your comments, and support!
xo Lulu
Lulu Soler
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  1. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!


  2. How cool! I wish you a merry Christmas!

  3. I love the blouse!


  4. We have the same knit stockings (same pattern)!! My husband's grandmother knitted them! So cool :)


Thank you so much for all your comments. I love to read them and visit fellow blogger sites! XO

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