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SheIn -Your Online Fashion Vintage Dress

Sweet & Savory Saturday

The hubs and I love to cook.  However over the last few years have been difficult to really enjoy any time in the kitchen.  He loves savory, spicy dishes.  I love sweet (and a little spicy).  I always had a thought that it would be fun (and way too much work) to have a little cafe called Sweet & Savory.  Each dish would or could be served in a sweet or savory way.  What do you think, does it have a chance?

Today I'm sharing a wonderful sweet and savory breakfast made with Ozery Bakery One Buns.  When I received this deliciousness I instantly thought that I would do a lunch post.  A great turkey club or roast beef?  Ah ha!  Breakfast!  I love breakfast but rarely indulge.  But I thought for this post, I would indulge and have some fun.

The Ozery Bakery is a family owned bakery.  The One Buns are GMO free, heart healthy, a good source of fiber, and naturally low fat.  My first sweet something for breakfast, is a yummy toasted One Bun (this one was wheat, but I love the sprouted as well!), with Philadelphia cream cheese, organic strawberries, and local honey.  All my favorites :)  For my savory something I prepared a scrambled egg, with a turkey sausage patty, and some cheddar cheese on a One Bun.  My son loved it!

Happy Saturday all.  Have a sweet and savory day :)
xo Lulu
Lulu Soler
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  1. This looks so healthy. While I am more of a sweet tooth for breakfast, I will go for some savoury when staying at hotels :)

  2. I liked the idea! This bun looks tasty and it is healthy, and from a family bakery, even better! I love sweets as well, so I would love to try it with honey or jam! Hope you enjoy this nice breakfast again soon and a nice weekend now!

  3. I like your business idea. I tend to like sweet for breakfast but during the work week I rarely indulge. Sweet breakfasts, while being absolutely delicious, tend to make me a little drowsy and I absolutely cannot be drowsy at work. So sweets are reserved for weekends when I can lounge afterwards and savory is mostly reserved for when I have to go to work. Yeah, I love your business idea. And I will definitely look for these buns because these are the first non GMO flat buns I've ever seen. Thanks for sharing.


Thank you so much for all your comments. I love to read them and visit fellow blogger sites! XO

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