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SheIn -Your Online Fashion Vintage Dress

I Belong

I belong to Jesus
He is my everything.
I talk, sing, and dance
For my Savior King.

I belong to Jesus
Gave my heart when I was four
I never have regretted that day
He directs my for evermore.

I belong to Jesus
Even when I did stray
He never once gave up on me and said
I miss you when you are away.

I belong to Jesus
When I my eyes awoke
I knew Jesus was by my side 
Carrying my burdens and my yolk.

I belong to Jesus
When my dreams were not coming true
He whispered to do not fear
Just wait and praise me through and through.

I belong to Jesus
The day of tears and joy
When my beautiful bundles came
What a blessing, a perfect girl and boy!

I belong to Jesus
My future is in his hands
I take each day as it comes
I will trust in his great love and commands.

I belong to Jesus
One day I will stand before this throne
I long to see my Saviors face
I rest in Him alone.

I'm not perfect.  I know in these times of social media like Facebook and Instagram, it's easy to post only the pictures that look like life is perfect.  It's not.  I have good days, bad days, frustrating days, days that I'm not a good mom or a good wife.  I've turned my back on God, I've done things that were mean and stupid.

But I belong to Jesus.  I gave my heart to him and because of his grace I'm forgiven.  He's wiped the slate clean.  I have a hope and a peace.

I hope you know how much the Lord loves you.  You are precious to him and he wants to give you  hope and peace.  Will you accept his gift?  I'm always available if you need prayer.  Please email me.  I'd love to talk to you.

Thanks for reading.  Have a beautiful day!
xo Lulu
Lulu Soler
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  1. I have a friend who always writes "I included you in my prayers" and she always does, and I believe she does so... I liked the verse "I gave my heart to Him when I was 4", so sweet! I guess we all have bad and good days and on facebook we are all Governors of Texas or secretaries to the queen :) It's such a fake world there, I am not so keen of it :) Last Monday something amazing happened to me. My family is very very religious and were friends with nuns, that lived in front of my childhood house. They moved from there to a bigger place for more nuns and a bigger chapel and I never saw them again. A friend took me there last Monday and I asked about the nuns I knew and they told me about them and it was like going back to my childhood and teen days, when I used to go to their chapel in front of my house. I felt really really good and even now, writing this, tears come to my eyes! Hope you have a very nice weekend, dear Lulu, thanks for this post, I remembered the Monday again and my childhood days!

  2. Needed this today- been having a hard time balancing work and home life and my emotions, and not feeling like a good mom to my sweet 4 year old or a good wife to my very kind hubby. always love your blog, this was a great treat for me today :)

    Christina, Esq.

  3. thanks for sharing your faith. You are lovely and brave.

  4. I am already a fan of your blog but this post makes me love it even more :)

    ~Blessings, Lashana

  5. Beautiful thoughts and sincerely appreciated. Thank you :)

  6. It makes me happy when my sisters in Christ boldly proclaim their love for him. Thank you.

  7. Love that you shared this! It's so refreshing to see realness and truth on the blogosphere :)



Thank you so much for all your comments. I love to read them and visit fellow blogger sites! XO

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