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SheIn -Your Online Fashion Vintage Dress


Well hello there!  I know, I know... I've been a bit MIA.  I took a much needed break and honestly I'm not quite sure I'm coming back yet to blogging, social media, craziness! Haha.  The time away from all my screens has been so good for me and my family.  We are also embarking on some new changes and challenges and I just don't think blogging fits into that schedule.

Blogging has just changed from when I started.  It was first about sharing outfit inspirations and slowly it was about just the stuff.  What have I bought, what am I doing, where am I going.  That's not what I want people to think of me.  That's not who I am.

You may have seen my posts in December about the refugees in Syria and the video my church shared.  I think this significantly changed me, my heart, my soul.  God really spoke to me and basically just said, "Stop."  This is not why I created you.  I began to get so antsy with all the stuff and clutter.  Not just the physical clutter but the needless mind clutter - Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat.  I needed to breathe.

So after the new year I started to think about what I want not just for my life but my family's life.  Cause ya know they are a BIG part of me.  I came up with 10 things that I am making a priority in my life.  These are not crazy things.  These are small but big things that will make a difference in me and people around me.

1.) Love God, love people.  This came from the book "For the Love" by Jen Hatmaker.  It's an amazing book full of belly laughs and warm thoughts.  This is just a basic saying right?   Love God, love people.  That's what it comes down to, but not always so easy.  It's a work in progress.

2.) Family first.  Again, should be a no brainier, but man it's hard sometimes.  When emails need to be answered, that blog post needs to get done, laundry is piling up.  It's also about those little moments we never get back.  The snuggling with my kiddos when you're waking them up for school, that high five after a great practice.  BE in the moment.   It's a work in progress.

3.) Wisdom.  Man I need this.  The Mr and I are making some pretty tough decisions lately and my biggest prayer lately has been wisdom.  Making decisions that affect your family and kiddos is so tough.  It's a work in progress.

4.) Slow down & have Peace.  For much of my life it's been all about hustle.  How fast can I get there, I have so much to do, how much can I get done in a short amount of time.  It's a never ending fast paced marathon.  It seems like everyone wants to have a fast paced life. All the house shows (that I love to watch) talk about their crazy fast paced life.  It's as if to say that if your busy, you're happy, productive and popular.  But is that true?  Is that a good thing?  I'm not so sure.  I'm making it my mission to ssslllooowww down.  It's a work in progress.

5.) Be Positive.  It's so easy to see the negative, complain (just caught myself in a major complaining tantrum tonight!), go in a downward spiral.  I'm trying hard to stop this thinking.  Breathe.  Turn it around.  Think of something positive about that situation, person, or thing.  It's a work in progress.

6.) Simplify.  Less IS more!  After Christmas I went on a cleaning and decluttering rage.  And ladies and gentlemen when I say rage I mean 16 trash bags to Goodwill, 2 huge garbage cans of trash, 3 ginormous Tupperware containers to second hand stores, and the cleaning is still going on.  Granted I did not part with my Louboutins or Valentinos but I parted with 50% of my closet.  I have come to realize that We. Have. So. Much. STUFF!  It's crazy and ridiculous right?  It's a work in progress.

7.) Need vs Want.  This goes along with #6.  I can completely recognize that I rarely NEED anything.  So I'm trying my best when I want something?  Think it through, why do I want it, will I use or wear it?  How often?  Over the last few years of blogging there were pieces that I literally wore 1 time!  It's a work in progress.

8.)  More Real.  Less Fake.  Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat... Do we really share our real life?  We often share the things, good or great things we want people to see. I just heard they people are more depressed after reading through their Facebook feed.  What a terrible testament to social media.  For sure it has done some incredible things, made people aware of great causes and given us some belly laughs but depression?  Wow, it's a work in progress.

9.) Who not What.  I am prepared to think about and become who I should, want to be, and be joy-filled in that.  Comfortable in my "who" ness. Not what I am now, mother, wife, co-worker, daughter, blogger.  Who am I?  Some days I'm still figuring it out.  I am heart felt, an introvert, artistic.  But I am also impatient and a know it all sometimes (Eek, that's hard to admit!).  Definitely a work in progress!

10.) More Pages, less Screens.  Seems like everything is going towards computers, iPads, Nooks, anything with a screen.  Gone are the days of reading a book that has pages!  Well some of this is fantastic (no more crazy heavy back packs), I think we need to not forget about the beautiful feeling of turning the page of a real book!  I told you about a great book in #1. Now I'm onto another wonderful book that I'll share soon.  I'm learning so much it's awesome!  It's a work in progress!

So there you have it.  My top 10.  You may not see me as much but I'll check in.  Know that I'm growing in Christ, learning to love more, and simplifying so that I can slow down and be in the moments that mean the most.  Because life is a work in progress.

Much love to all of you dear friends.

xo Lulu

Lulu Soler
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  1. So glad you are fine and back - I was terrified something happened to you.

    I hope you will be here at least once a week - with some inspiration outfit, even more real and less stuff and glamour. :)

    thank you for all your influence in people.

    In christ,
    Roxana - Bucharest, Romania, Europe

  2. So good to read this from you Lulu. You are one of the first bloggers I ever started to follow several years back way before I began my own. And you are so right, putting God, ourselves, and our loved ones first can get lost in the whole "busy-ness" of it all. I recently fractured my hip internally, was off of it for 4 months, then just had surgery on Monday because it was not healing properly. It has really made me focus on prayer and what is so important in life. As always it will be good to see updates from you, but I am also happy for you to spend time with your hubby and kiddos.

    All the best,

  3. It is good to see a post from you. I follow you - and when you are absent - I think - I wonder if she is okay. I agree with you of the pressure of blog and be always "ON" - and how it takes away from the real life with our family and being present for them. Also, I am in agreement with need vs. want - I, too, am trying to be more strategic with what I buy and really need. Good for you for following God's prompting and most importantly, following. I pray God's blessing upon you and your family - and what is next. I like your style and always enjoy seeing what you are wearing - so I hope you pop in every once in a while - but no pressure. All the best.

    Daily Style Finds

  4. Good for you! I love that you are listening to God and being obedient to His leading. I think your post was FILLED with wisdom. I love fashion, but I've had thoughts before about bloggers and wonder how they keep the balance and not let "things" consume them. (And that's not just for bloggers. We can all fall prey to that). Blessings on you as you move forward with wisdom about what's next!

  5. Ok, so I just replied back to your text. I'm such a horrible friend for having it take so long to reply. I swear I replied back right away in my head. lol. I think I was working out when I read the text so I planned on finishing my workout and then writing back, but then I forgot. Anyways, I know everything will work out for you perfectly :) I think this list is a great list for everyone to try to live by. I really try to focus on number 2 a lot. I try to be done working by the time Cody gets home and whenever I'm around family, I'm not on social media very much. And it's such true about social media being fake...or not necessarily fake, but only showing the good and not the bad. You only get part of the picture on social media. Of course, I am friends with some people on facebook who share way too much. lol.



  6. Thank you so much for sharing this post. I wish I had found your blog sooner than I did (a few months ago), because it quickly became one of my favorites. Reading a blog whose author not only loves fashion, but also clearly loves the Lord, was a win win for me. I think your goals are so worthwhile, and I pray that moving forward you are able to grow in all of those areas. Be encouraged that I (and I'm sure so many others) have truly enjoyed your content and really appreciate your authenticity. Thank you for your Godly inspiration and encouragement!

  7. I have always enjoyed your blog. Your words of wisdom are a blessing. I know the Lord will lead you in all you do. Blessings to you and your family!

  8. Wow! I have been feeling this way for a long time. Your post spoke to me!! Thank you.

  9. Lulu I have followed you for a couple of years. I LOVE your style.
    You are younger then me and own some many wonder labels that I could never afford. BUT..I have always been inspired to budget mimic similar takes on your outfits. You have inspired me to change things up and even try mixes I would have never thought of. I will miss you.
    Thank you for all the wonderful post.
    Much love to you and your beautiful family.

  10. Thanks for the update - was wondering where you where! Have missed your IG posts too. Glad to know you're ok and I totally get where you are coming from. Have always admired your ability to juggle a job, blog, kids, etc. Hope you will keep going!!

  11. Agree with all the previous comments. You will be missed!

  12. LOVE THIS POST!!!! Girl, I have been MIA lately too, and I had the same realization about the screen time, fake/real (I even posted a no-makeup selfie and had a serious chat about my self worth coming from the Lord, not how I look) and in general realizing how much my faith and family play a role in who I am- but blogging sometimes gets in the way. It's REALLY easy to get caught up in the "stuff" of this world, ESPECIALLY as a blogger!! So proud of you for writing this post. Good for you. :) May the Lord bless you and your family, especially while you're making this tough decisions with your husband.


  13. I think God is speaking to me, I've been feeling the same way lately, before it was great when people share their outfits, food or places to visit, now it's all about business. I think I need a break too, God bless!!!!!

  14. Love your blog, I discovered you about a year ago. I am many, several, mucho years older than you, however your style transcends a lot of ages. That's what I loved. I do believe that the Holy Spirit will give us all revelations, in any case I wish you the best in the future whatever it holds for you.

  15. Thank you for sharing!


  16. The post is fantastic! I am now following you on Bloglovin :)



Thank you so much for all your comments. I love to read them and visit fellow blogger sites! XO

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