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SheIn -Your Online Fashion Vintage Dress

What to Wear Now & Later

ruffled shirt with faux fur vest, skinny jeans and booties

I don't know about you, but the in-between seasons (fall & spring) are the hardest to dress for! 

It seems these days that the weather is going crazy doesn't it?  One day its in the 50s and a few days later it's 70+ degrees!?  Well the dressing is all about the layering and today I'm bringing you a really fun layered, ruffled, fur look!   The temperatures are starting to cool off here.  I'm anxious to wear my furs and boots!  What are you looking forward to this fall?

------- OUTFIT DETAILS -------

one  ||  two  ||  three  ||  four  ||  five  ||  six  ||  seven  ||  eight  ||  nine

Thank you for stopping by!  Have a wonderful Wednesday :)
xo Lulu
Lulu Soler
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