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SheIn -Your Online Fashion Vintage Dress

Supporting Small & Local

One of my favorite things to do is go salvage hunting with a good friend.  We make "plans" (and I use that term loosely), but inevitably we end up somewhere else.  It's an adventure every time and I love it.  Many of the shops we visit are small businesses around the Pittsburgh area and each one holds a treasure I can't wait to discover.  Today I'm sharing some of those business, along with my favorite Etsy shops with you!  You can also find more of my favorite Etsy shops I last posted here.  I hope you'll check them out.

wooden bowl with artistic pillows
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Bellwether - Sewickley, PA
Vintage in Bloom - Washington, PA
Salvage - Wexford, PA
The General's Attic - Butler, PA
Haute, Haute, Haute - Pittsburgh, PA

Thank you for stopping by I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
xo Lulu
Lulu Soler
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Thank you so much for all your comments. I love to read them and visit fellow blogger sites! XO

[name=LuLu Soler] [img=https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjLWnoFhsJsJupSFp9G-TSA-RL6_H6ykm3I3fA7eeIScqmWbfL5O5UrCIMDwtSFnIC0LIRlLWhR2sfKPoq0asjTKPEbDbNLu0VlLGj9koxm2xM70QHdZZTNOCoR7ZSRzPrqkiHq5hReQLeg/s200/Bio.png] [description=The Laurel Lane by Lulu Soler is a destination for all things fashion and home decor. Find beautiful, high/low fashion, home inspiration and farmhouse chic furniture for sale. It's all on the pretty "streets" of The Laurel Lane.] (facebook=https://www.facebook.com/thelaurelane/ ) (twitter=https://twitter.com/thelaurelane) (instagram=Ihttps://www.instagram.com/thelaurelane) (pinterest=https://www.pinterest.com/thelaurelane/)

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