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SheIn -Your Online Fashion Vintage Dress

Tassel Skirt

Hey all, happy Monday!  This week is going to be awesome, I can FEEL it!  I have so much to accomplish but I know I will get 'her done :)  Since taking the leap and becoming (and being accepted!) as a FASTERway to Fat Loss® coach I am learning so much.  There is a lot to absorb and I'm getting there piece by piece.  I do want to take a second and let you know that I have a link for you to check out the FASTERway to Fat Loss yourself and sign up for my bootcamp coming in September.  Use this link HERE for more information about me, the program and the waiting list.  I'm super excited to get started and I want you to consider joining friends. Read about my journey HERE and I'll be posting an update again next week.

Oh and then there's this cutie skirt I bought on our vacation to Martha's Vineyard for $16!  Yes, you read that right, $16 buckaroos... :)  However, it was the only one left and it was a large.  No bueno for me.  But at the price point I couldn't let it go and knew that my momma could take it in for me, but A LOT.  Anyway, it's super fun and so I didn't want to style it too much.  This plain white tank and turquoise necklace accent it perfectly.  I wore this look to church last week and well, froze my behind off.  But I looked cute :)

------- OUTFIT DETAILS -------

tank top  ||  skirt (similar options here, here & here)  ||  sandals  ||  necklace  ||  earrings  ||  ring

What's been your favorite purchase this summer?  Thanks for stopping by!
xo Lulu

Lulu Soler
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