Since I'm now middle aged (yikes!) I think about this question a lot. What makes me, me? Gosh you'd think I would know that at my age, but I'm still figuring things out. I think we all need to remember at ANY age, there are still things to figure out, still things to learn about ourselves and still things to work on. There are surfacey things to me like I love fashion, design all things pretty. I love the feeling of being in shape and the confidence I now feel wearing a bikini.. yippeee!!
But there are things, deep down that make me, me. Like I am an introvert. Always have been and even though I've "learned" the art of being more extroverted, I still am deep inside an introvert. There are thing that make us, us because that's the way God created us. Then there are things that make up us, but were not mean to ever be apart of us. Things like insecurity, the need of acceptance from others, doubt about our selves, being self conscious. Those types of things are hard to admit and when I look in the mirror I don't want to see or maybe it's the ONLY thing I see.
These things, insecurity, the need of acceptance from others, doubt about ourselves, being self conscious, those are things that ARE NOT me. They are because of what has happened to me, or to you. What I have been learning is that those things don't have to control me. They don't have to be apart of me. But I have to learn what those things are in my life, admit it, why they are there and then... and most important.... release it.
Release it into the hands of the God who never created you to be those things. For me this has been tough, to release it. I want to hold on, to be in control, it's sort of my defense against hurts. But God doesn't want us to have the chains binding us to these things. He wants us to be free in what we know God knows about us. Because what makes us is what HE created us to be.
Thanks for stopping by!
xo Lulu
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