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SheIn -Your Online Fashion Vintage Dress

Road Trip!

I dress for semi-style+comfort when traveling.  I don't see the need in getting dolled up to sit on a plane or drive for hours.   Am I ready?  Coffee?  Check!  Snacks, games & DVDs for the kids?  Check!  

Aaand we’re off! This weekend I’m taking the nuggets to visit my family in Pittsburgh.  Yes, I’m a native Pittsburgher, die hard Steeler fan!  The Hubs is staying home to work on projects (which you will see in later posts).

Here are some snaps of us getting ready to hit the road (notice I'm running the kids around to tire them out!)

As I mentioned earlier, my outfits for travel are what I call semi-stylish+comfortable.  Most of what I'm wearing is old, but I'll give you a few details below!
sweater, old (similar here)  |  leggings, old (similar here)  |  riding boots, Me too  |  iphone case, threehipchicks  |  watch, old (similar here)  | sunnies, Ray-Ban  |  snaps by LosPhoto

We arrived safely to my hometown and the twins are excited to see their "Amma" and family.  Along the way we saw some beautiful Pennsylvania country side.  

Silly story:  There was a large field with lots of cows grazing.  I don't think I've ever seen so many of them at that spot before.  My response:
Me: "Wow guys, look at all those cows over there!?"
Jack:  "Holy cow!"

Yah, you said it bud.  :)

Have a wonderful weekend, anyone who's ready my new little blog.
XO - Lulu

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