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SheIn -Your Online Fashion Vintage Dress

Beauty Buzz | Get Your Beauty Sleep

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Do you have trouble sleeping?  You're not alone.  The National Sleep Foundation (yes there is such a thing), says that 40 Million people have chronic sleep trouble.*  The CDC actually estimates it at 50-70 Million!**  The NSF also says that the estimated loss of productivity due to sleep is $18 Million.  Yikes!  Do you feel unproductive your life due to loss of sleep?  I know I do sometimes (a lot of times).

I have tried many things to combat my sleep problems and have found a few things that help me.  

1.  Try your best to have a "bedtime".  It's hard I know especially as a blogger because I'm on my computer literally to the last second before I hit the pillow (this is also a no-no).  I get caught up from website to website and all the sudden it's midnight!  But I know that 10:30 pm is my key time to go to bed.  It's when I'm most tired, but not to the point of exhaustion where I might toss and turn.

2.  Get comfy.  Wear something that's breathable and not too warm.  Sleep is more natural and forthcoming when the body temperature is cool.  Another tip?  Wear socks.  Sounds crazy, but it directs the heat to your feet therefore cooling off the rest of your body.  I often start off wearing socks and then take them off during the night.

3.  White noise.  I've been sleeping with night noise since college and now I can't sleep without it.  It drowns out the creeks and groans your house might make during the night.  Air flow also aids in better sleep.  My husband and I call our house the vortex at night because we all sleep with air purifiers.  

4.  A good book.  This is something I need to work on.  Shutting off the computer before bed and taking in a good book.  I recommend a book that does not make you think.  Read a book of beautiful pictures and ideas to give you something positive and wonderful to dream about!

5.  Lavendar scents.  It's not really going to help put you to sleep (in my humble opinion), but it's soothing.  I use lavendar cream both on my hands and feet before bed as it's a good time to lube up for soft skin.  I also get the benefit of the lavendar scent.

6.  Melatonin.  This can be very helpful and I do use it for a better nights sleep.  My sleep problems are due to my crazy brain that NEVER shuts off.  I have found that a small dose of melatonin helps tremendously.  There are many doses to choose from 1 mg, 3 mg, 5 mg, and I've even seen 10.  I use the 3 mg dosage.  Since Simply Lulu is not a doctor please check with your physician before using!

Check out my beauty sleep picks and
Enter the fabulous Wink giveaway through the rafflecopter below!

Congratulations to our March winners: Colleen, Christy, and Angela


More pretty sleep options for all budgets below:

Have a wonderful day and night.  I hope you get your beauty sleep tonight!

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Lulu Soler
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  1. These are great tips! I have trouble sleeping when my husband travels for work, so I will definitely check some of these out. Thanks lulu!
    xo, Blaire
    Peaches In A Pod

  2. Great round up of tips! I've been struggling with staying asleep for a full night - I seem to wake up every night around 4 and struggle to fall back asleep. I'm starting to wonder if I need a new mattress!! I love the idea of keeping a lavender lotion near my bed, or even buying a white noise machine!

    aka Bailey

  3. Every once and a while Melatonin is just what I need!

  4. Helpful, thoughtful post and a topic I think most women can relate to, certainly I do! I do pretty much everything on the list and it helps . I also use a lavender hand cream before i go to bed, it is a nice ritual, my hands need it, and the smell makes me relax.
    XX, Elle

  5. Hi there! I know this is so random and I certainly don't want to impose but have you had that spot on your leg checked by a dermatologist? I only ask because I just had a melanoma removed from a similar spot on my leg a couple of days ago.

    1. Hi Heather, yes, I'm regularly at the dermatologist - thanks!


Thank you so much for all your comments. I love to read them and visit fellow blogger sites! XO

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