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SheIn -Your Online Fashion Vintage Dress

An Uncommonly Good Christmas

Everyone wants an uncommonly good Christmas right?  Friends, Uncommongoods is the place to shop this season for all your holiday gifts.  Uncommongoods is an online shop that curates amazing artists and creative design.  Their pieces are made by artisans working together in a developing nation to artist making and perfecting their craft by hand.  All their pieces are incredibly unique, beautiful and fun!  I even found an artist from Pittsburgh!  Woot, woot!

Ok, I admit, I'm a bit of a procrastinator when it come to my Christmas shopping (eek!).  Which really isn't like me...  But this year,  I'm determined to be on task!  Are your kids difficult to buy for?  I mean who would think 9 year olds are hard to buy for... Mine!  But I'm checking out gifts for kiddos them here.  Uncommongoods makes it easy by categorizing gifts by toys, arts & crafts, personalized gift and even age!  I'm excited to shop for my girlfriends with these fun gifts.  I mean who of your girlfriends wouldn't want a cozy scarf, a cute pair of earrings or a beautiful robe?!

Check out more of my picks below.

Thanks for reading The Laurel Lane!
xo Lulu
Lulu Soler
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1 comment:

  1. I want the umbrella <3<3

    Come to visit my blog if you dont mind^^



Thank you so much for all your comments. I love to read them and visit fellow blogger sites! XO

[name=LuLu Soler] [img=https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjLWnoFhsJsJupSFp9G-TSA-RL6_H6ykm3I3fA7eeIScqmWbfL5O5UrCIMDwtSFnIC0LIRlLWhR2sfKPoq0asjTKPEbDbNLu0VlLGj9koxm2xM70QHdZZTNOCoR7ZSRzPrqkiHq5hReQLeg/s200/Bio.png] [description=The Laurel Lane by Lulu Soler is a destination for all things fashion and home decor. Find beautiful, high/low fashion, home inspiration and farmhouse chic furniture for sale. It's all on the pretty "streets" of The Laurel Lane.] (facebook=https://www.facebook.com/thelaurelane/ ) (twitter=https://twitter.com/thelaurelane) (instagram=Ihttps://www.instagram.com/thelaurelane) (pinterest=https://www.pinterest.com/thelaurelane/)

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